I just got back from a great and very challenging yoga class and feel so balanced. I genuinely think that yoga helps people to heal.
After scathing about the naturopath the other day, I should add that he did leave me with one inspirational comment. He guessed {correctly} that part of me was wondering why I try so hard to take care of myself just to get cancer anyway. He said that we can control a lot through diet and lifestyle, but some things and environmental factors are beyond our control. He told me that one thing he knows is that if I didn't do all I do to take care of myself, my cancer would be a lot worse and I would heal much slower. I have reflected on this a lot over the past two days and have really come to peace with the fact that I have cancer. The "why me? why me? what the f***?" that kept running through my head before has transformed into a gratefulness that I was raised with a conscience for health and a drive to learn and an openness change and knowledge. Thank you to every person in my life who has fueled those traits.
Peace, love, and vegetables,
Lisa Rose
Great way to look at it Lisa. Where do you take yoga? I agree, yoga is my time and I always feel better afterwards!