Monday, February 25, 2013

my new life

Well, hello there! It's been a while!

Let's see...we successfully packed up our Seattle apartment and toted all our belongings up North to quaint Bellingham. Every weekend has been busy with unpacking and working on the house. It feels like home now, and I've settled into my new routine and couldn't be happier. Cooking is so much fun with a big kitchen! Life is much more laid back in this city. Everywhere is only 10 minutes away, and parking is easy. There are trails galore, and we've been enjoying Whatcom Falls Park in our backyard. And my family is close.

I had planned to take a little time off from work to get settled in our new house, but I didn't even make it one day as a housewife before I got a job offer. I am now working in an Ear, Nose, & Throat clinic with the most amazing group of people. I am still getting used to how casual things are in this town...even healthcare isn't as fast paced and patients aren't as demanding as they are in the city. 

And as for my health, the Thyrogen injections are finally in stock at Virginia Mason, so I have my injections today and tomorrow and then labwork on Wednesday. This will help determine my risk of recurrence. I will find out the results and have a scan when I meet with my endocrinologist on March 14th. Will update you all then....



Grandma's chandelier in our new house 

in our backyard...Whatcom Falls Park
vegan chocolate cake baked in our beautiful kitchen